Yesturday was a great day, which started with a nice 45 minutes jogging along the Brighton seafront. Outside temperature was something like +4 C and a cool breeze was fondling my face. As last night I managed to sleep around 4 hours, the jog was definately not the strongest training I have had, however it was a training and Im really glad that I managed to make it, regardless of the temptation not to.
Anyhow, the day went on in Brighton center, where I screened pretty much the whole day new series (which I have to say are brilliant).
In the evening we had a great concert experience at the Grand, where Sugababes and Gabriella Cilmi performed for all the buyers. Have to say I do not remember a night as fun as this from the BBC Screenings, but all the evenings have been very cool. Very important role played also all the friends from BBC :)
All right, the screening booth misses me already, will do some runing tonight and write about it already at home and in Estonian. Take care!
Ja muidugi head Eesti Vabariigi aastap2eva k6igile!
Keskpäevatunni stuudios Priit Hõbemägi ja Marek Strandberg
3 tundi tagasi
hei, mis Inglismaal teed, salvestad saate "Tööotsija" jaoks?
VastaKustutaNope olen BBC Screeningul ja otsin ETV ja ETV2 vaatajate jaoks uusi filme ja sarju. Tomm